I Totally Suck At This.

Someone got a stamp, and decided that in addition to making excellent marks on things, it tasted great. Oh man.  So much for New Year’s resolutions!  A few months ago a friend was teasing me about my quarterly blog posts– oops.  Except now we’re even worse than quarterly.  Hey, at least it’s been less than…

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Like A Phoenix, I Re-Emerge From the Ashes of No Posting

So, I had prepared this amazingly witty post.  It was hilarious.  A pure stroke of genius, if you ask me.  Probably my best post yet!  And then, stupid blogger stupid deleted the stupid thing.  GAAAAHHH.  Sometimes, I hate the internet. I don’t actually hate the internet.  I feel that previous statement needed a correction appended…

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Review of Milk and Baby Nursing Shirt

At some point this spring, I contacted this company called Milk and Baby to ask about their nursing clothing.  I’d been coveting several items from their website, but I never buy stuff online– I always feel like I need to try it on before I can commit.  They agreed to send me a sample to…

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Still here! I’m still here. I came back.

Have you seen this video?  Hilarious.  I stole the title of this blog from these children. Um, right.  Blogging.  Yes.  Got it. I’m pretty sure I’ve entered some kind of baby time warp.  What has happened is that it appears as though 3 months have gone by since the last time I blogged, but what…

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Time Flies When You’re Wiping Butts

Yup, not a joke.  2 months has absolutely flown by– I have no idea how it happened.  So, it’s, like, practically the end of April already!  Holy crap.  I swear I’ve put blogging on my to-do list like a hundred times.  But then I have to prioritize if I’d rather do the dishes or blog,…

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January. Baby.

Holy crap, you guys, where has the entire month of January gone?  Seriously.  I blinked.  Here we are. They say that sleep deprivation has a positive influence on your creativity.  If this is true, this’ll be my most poetic posting yet.  I have to warn you though, this post is going to contain a ridiculous…

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Here It Is — The Baby Update

Dude, we did it!  First off, to calm the raging masses, some baby photos: Day 1 in the real world. Baby and auntie. Getting ready to take her home! Grandpa and his first granddaughter. Vogue-ing in sleep. OK, now that that’s out of the way, some details.  An abbreviated version.  Evelyn Athena Marshall was born…

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Nope, Not Yet– Short and Sweet Update

Trust me, we are waiting on pins and needles.  My due date is the 21st, so we’re almost there!  I keep trying not to hope that she’ll arrive early, but it’s in the back of my mind.  Which, of course, will mean that she’ll be late, and maybe even really late!  I guess we’ll see. …

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3 Weeks To Go… No Baby Yet!

I thought I would make that the title of this post, since I’m assuming that is everyone’s first question.  🙂  Not that I’m counting or anything, but it’s only 2 weeks and 4 days until November 21st.  I only have 11 work days left.  I mean, woah!  At some point, we’re going to have an…

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Fall Has Arrived in Portland

Good morning, lovely friends and family!  I’m currently sitting at the computer at The Source climbing center, bringing you another update from the Dunbar Marshall household.  Why am I sitting at The Source climbing center?  Because it is rather complicated to find time to blog these days!  We spend a lot of time here actually–…

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