Karissa Dunbar

Humanitarian Aid Worker and Rock Climber



Photo by Alex Sklar

A ChatGPT generated logo?  Why yes, I accept Baadassery
A ChatGPT generated logo? Why yes, I accept Baadassery

About Me

Karissa Dunbar is a humanitarian aid worker and passionate rock climber. For nearly a decade, she has funneled her desire to change the world into her career with Mercy Corps, an international aid organization that works in over 40 countries. Before becoming a humanitarian, she learned to rock climb at a gym in Portland, Oregon, and has been obsessed with it ever since. Her two passions collide in work that Mercy Corps is doing in Jordan with Syrian refugees, where a bouldering wall has been opened in Za’atari Refugee Camp, the first of its kind.

Karissa now lives in New Castle, CO, with her husband and two children, about 20 minutes from one of her favorite climbing areas in the world.

My Latest Post

Support Mercy Corps’ in Jordan: Rock Climbing for Resilience #climbzaatari

Donate now! Read on for more on making an impact. I’m inspired by the work Mercy Corps Jordan is doing - using rock climbing as a method to help young people process trauma, build positive skills to handle stress, and improve both mental health and environmental stewardship. Donate now to help young people in Jordan at risk of violence, aggression, and isolation use climbing to change their lives. Twelve years on from the start of the Syrian uprising and armed conflict, a generation of Syrian youth ...


Follow me at @karissadunbar on Instagram
