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I have always been a bit addicted to adventure. I’ve been to Timbuktu (and several of my friends would probably make fun of me for pointing that out). My amazing husband and I spent a year in Greece selling jewelry to tourists on Santorini Island, among other adventures there. I’ve gone on a housebuilding trip in Peru while pumping (and dumping) for a six month old.

My husband and I have taken 3 multi-month (and life changing) climbing road trips. We’ve traveled across the states probably a dozen times by car. I once kissed a giraffe in Kenya. We got married in Yosemite in the snow.



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A Few Words About Me

I have always been a bit addicted to adventure. I’ve been to Timbuktu (and several of my friends would probably make fun of me for pointing that out). My amazing husband and I spent a year in Greece selling jewelry to tourists on Santorini Island, among other adventures there. I’ve gone on a housebuilding trip in Peru while pumping (and dumping) for a six month old. My husband and I have taken 3 multi-month (and life changing) climbing road trips. We’ve traveled across the states probably a dozen times by car. I once kissed a giraffe in Kenya. We got married in Yosemite in the snow.



"Let us develop respect for all living things. Let us try to replace violence and intolerance with understanding and compassion. And love."

- Jane Goodall