Life On the Road, Kage

When I told my friends and family, they thought we were crazy.  They told us our kids would suffer, that it wasn’t a good idea.  But we did it anyway. And it turned out to be among the best 2 years of my life. When COVID restrictions first began in our town, back in March…

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I Had A Baby! And Some Other Stuff Too,

Um, hi everybody.  How’s it going out there?  It’s 2017!  And yet again, I’ve had another year where I failed miserably at blogging.  From now on, let’s just assume I’m going to post like 3 freaking times a year, and write about things only months after they have happened.  For example, my last blog post. …

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Italy and Greece!

It’s almost Halloween, which means that predictably Portland is rainy and grey and cold, and we’re right back in the fall/winter weather (it all looks the same, 50 degrees and WET).  SOOO, I’m going to post some sunnier photos of some fun stuff we did earlier this year!  Also, because I haven’t posted about it…

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Dunbarshall Party All The Time

OK folks, I’m still alive. It feels like I’ve got about 10 years worth of material to post.  Stupid blogging is hard, you guys.  I put it off because I don’t really have time, and then by the time a month has gone by, I’m like, there’s too much, I need to really just dedicate…

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AFRICA! Overdue.

You guys.  I am terrible at this blogging thing.  I just realized that in 2015 I posted 5 times.  GAH.  I mean, there’s a crapload of cute pictures in each post, but STILL. So anyway.  I’m probably just going to keep on keeping on.  Regardless of how often I feel like I SHOULD post.  Because…

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Videos of Evelyn

Since I am feeling rather behind and I feel like I owe you guys some pictures of Christmas and Evelyn’s second birthday… I am instead going to post some videos.  And then one of these days I’ll actually get around to writing an actual post.  WORD! Singing a holiday song for you all (seriously, it’s…

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Halloween Special!

We got really really close to actually having two blogs posts in one month, guys.  Ah well.  I’m just excited I’m not writing about something that happened six months ago anymore.  🙂  You probably are too! So I know that we just had Thanksgiving and Evelyn’s birthday party, and those are very exciting events with…

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Part 2 of Summertime Catch Up

Oh dear lord, the summer is officially over.  Not just summer.  OCTOBER.  How does this keep happening to me?  I keep feeling like at some point, I’m going to get caught up on everything, I’m going to be at a place where I am only looking ahead and planning for the future…  dudes.  Apparently, Not.…

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Part 1 of Summertime Catch Up

So, this time I was determined to have something to write about besides Evelyn.  I’ve been taking notes– like when I have an actual thought, I go and write it down.  So then you get to hear these rare gems that occur inside my brain that aren’t kid related. But who am I kidding?  Most…

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