Wait for it…. wait…. wait a moment…

Yes, I’ve blogged again!  Er, am currently blogging again… I’m having trouble with tenses in both English and Spanish lately.  They are all jumbled up in my brain… So right now it’s BLIZZARD-ing here in Rodellar, and has been raining for the past two and a half days… so as you can imagine, we’re starting…

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44 Photos– Excessive? Maybe.

This is how we feel about Spain so far. Oh, well hello there. Welcome back to the blog. 44 photos, you ask?  Yes.  Yes indeed. 44 photos is actually being quite judicious, as I had to pare down the selection from a total of 209 photos.  209!  Preposterous.  I know.  But I wanted to make…

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Spain is pretty cool, I guess.

Haha!  I’m actually misleading you with the title of this blogpiece, because I’m not writing about Spain yet!  What now?  I have some awesome photos I need to catch you up on, because February was SWEET and also I’ve already taken like 200 pictures in 4 days in Spain.  Yes.  I’m averaging 50 photos a…

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Today I am exceptionally relaxed.  All this hard climbing and hiking and sun and heat and cold feel like they are molding me, like I am bread dough under Hueco’s hands.  I feel awesome.  Tired and sore, but awesome. Being clean probably has something to do with this.  I’ve decided that there is nothing better…

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Hueco Tanks Party Time!

A small slice of our new climbing heaven! Yes indeedy, we have arrived!  Well, we’ve been here for over two weeks actually, but I’m finally taking the time to write about it.  We are in Hueco Tanks, TX, which is a state park about 10 miles east of El Paso.  As you can see from…

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Where in the world ARE we?

Never fear, family and friends, Jason and I are alive and well!  I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to get an update to you.  The last three weeks have been all manner of chaos.  But I promise that this post will be long enough to make up for all the time we’ve…

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Southeast Bucket Listing

My beautiful brother.  I miss him every single day. We’ve been preparing to leave for an entire year.  After the death of my little brother, I’ve felt like home has been calling louder and louder every day.  It’s hard to be so far away from family, and dealing with Mike’s death in the last year…

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New blog!

So, check it out!  This is the blog to follow the adventures of Can-Am Flight 5.14 while we road-trip to amazing-ness.  I’ll be updating photos and adventures as Jason, Leslie, Kyle and I visit Hueco Tanks, TX; Albuquerque, NM; various locations in CA; Spain; and Colorado.   At the moment, one important note is that my…

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