August is Awesome

Aaaaannnd, we’re back.  I never know how to start these blogs.  I feel like no matter what I do, the beginnings end up cheesy.  Ah, well.  If the cheese-factor is too high, just skip the first paragraph or so. So where to begin?  It’s been quite a summer!  I know I’ve said that already, but…

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Super Crazy Month

Hello again, friends!  You are probably thinking to yourself, “Karissa went and got herself knocked up, and now she won’t even blog about it so that we can see her preggo belly.” Well, I’m back.  It’s been an insane month!  Between baby things, and travel, and amazing Portland weather, we’ve been running non-stop.  So this…

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Totally Not A Big Deal

Friends and family!  Man, I’m sorry, I’ve fallen off the blogging bandwagon here lately.  I promise there’s actually a good reason for it.  Things have been a bit busy over here in the Portland region, and by busy, I mean… I’m pregnant! Ha!  Were you expecting that?  Maybe a little.  Well, it’s true.  I will…

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Vegas Vacations

Well, hello there, internet friends.  How lovely to see you again! So recently Jason and I took a quick weekend trip to Vegas to hang with Mr. Larry Marshall (aka El), bask in the sunshine, hang with some AWESOME Canadian friends, and rock climb.  We were going a bit crazy here in the gray Pacific…

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In Which I Write About Topics of Little Importance

It’s true.  Topics of little importance.  Everything you’re about to read is just random, trivial, top-of-the-head kinda stuff.  Off the top of my head, y’all.  Flight of the Conchords reference, anyone?  No?  Okay. So, as usual, stuff is the usual around here!  It’s amazing how easy it is to slip in to the daily grind,…

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Seriously… posting hiatus, anyone?  I am a total slacker.  Luckily, I have taken many photos, and will bombard you with those to cover up the fact that it has been 4 MONTHS! since I posted last. Alas, summer in the Pacific Northwest is over.  We are well into the 9 months of rain and gloom…

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Portlandia!–It’s for real.

Well amigos, I know you’ve been wondering if I would ever blog again… it’s been a rather hectic three months here in the land of Ports.  Finally, things are starting to calm down and Jason and I are getting settled.  We both have jobs, we have our own apartment (which is amazing!), and we’re getting…

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There and Back Again, A Dunbar’s Tale

I’ve been meaning to update for the last three weeks, but keep getting sidetracked!  So, friends, I’m sorry for the delay, but at long last, more photos from the Dunbars. First of all, we’re back in Portland!  We’ve been back for about a week, looking for work.  Jason has almost found a job– on Monday…

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From Practically France to Practically Portugal…

Hooooo-kay amigos, I am back, with more adventures!  Or, as Jason says, “Vamos a corregir la tarea.”  Actually, I’m already back in America.  I started this blog before I left, but got into too many adventures to finish it.  So this is part one of a two part blog blitz!  But I’m getting ahead of…

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Tourism Shenanigans

Shenanigans!  That’s what Jason and I are currently up to.  In the last 10 days, we’ve taken 700 photos.  HOLY CRAP.  Taking them is the easy part.  Trying to decide what to put on the blog… now that’s complicated. So, to catch up, we spent another few days in Rodellar climbing, and had a few…

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