

From Practically France to Practically Portugal…

By Karissa | May 6, 2012

Hooooo-kay amigos, I am back, with more adventures!  Or, as Jason says, “Vamos a corregir la tarea.”  Actually, I’m already back in America.  I started…

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Tourism Shenanigans

By Karissa | April 17, 2012

Shenanigans!  That’s what Jason and I are currently up to.  In the last 10 days, we’ve taken 700 photos.  HOLY CRAP.  Taking them is the…

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Wait for it…. wait…. wait a moment…

By Karissa | April 6, 2012

Yes, I’ve blogged again!  Er, am currently blogging again… I’m having trouble with tenses in both English and Spanish lately.  They are all jumbled up…

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44 Photos– Excessive? Maybe.

By Karissa | March 16, 2012

This is how we feel about Spain so far. Oh, well hello there. Welcome back to the blog. 44 photos, you ask?  Yes.  Yes indeed.…

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