

August is Awesome

By Karissa | August 26, 2013

Aaaaannnd, we’re back.  I never know how to start these blogs.  I feel like no matter what I do, the beginnings end up cheesy.  Ah,…

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Super Crazy Month

By Karissa | July 19, 2013

Hello again, friends!  You are probably thinking to yourself, “Karissa went and got herself knocked up, and now she won’t even blog about it so…

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Totally Not A Big Deal

By Karissa | May 21, 2013

Friends and family!  Man, I’m sorry, I’ve fallen off the blogging bandwagon here lately.  I promise there’s actually a good reason for it.  Things have…

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Vegas Vacations

By Karissa | April 8, 2013

Well, hello there, internet friends.  How lovely to see you again! So recently Jason and I took a quick weekend trip to Vegas to hang…

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