

Support Mercy Corps’ in Jordan: Rock Climbing for Resilience #climbzaatari

By Karissa | April 7, 2023

Donate now! Read on for more on making an impact. I’m inspired by the work Mercy Corps Jordan is doing – using rock climbing as…

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Life On the Road, Kage

By Karissa | April 7, 2023

When I told my friends and family, they thought we were crazy.  They told us our kids would suffer, that it wasn’t a good idea. …

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I Had A Baby! And Some Other Stuff Too,

By Karissa | February 21, 2017

Um, hi everybody.  How’s it going out there?  It’s 2017!  And yet again, I’ve had another year where I failed miserably at blogging.  From now…

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Italy and Greece!

By Karissa | October 27, 2016

It’s almost Halloween, which means that predictably Portland is rainy and grey and cold, and we’re right back in the fall/winter weather (it all looks…

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